• Harness the power of personalized software solutions built specifically for your business needs. Whether it's a robust CRM system, an intuitive mobile application, or data-rich enterprise software, our team crafts bespoke digital products from the ground up. We follow a thorough development process - from conceptualizing and designing to coding and testing - ensuring that the final product aligns perfectly with your business goals and strategies. Once we successfully deploy your solution we can support the solution on-going and provide Cyber Security monitoring to detect security risks.
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    The BIG decision

    Anyone wanting to develop custom digital solutions has a big decision to make. Either follow an Agile or Waterfall methodology. We have provided more details on each methodology below, but if we were to summarise the two choices:


    1) Do you know exactly what you need? Are you working to a timeline or budget that you cannot exceed? Do you have limited flexibility in what the final solution will look like? Then a Waterfall approach is likely the best decision.




    2) Do you have an idea or concept of what you need? Are you more flexible with timeline, budget or what you need in the final solution? Would you like innovation based on User feedback during the development process? Then an Agile approach is likely the best decision.

    Agile (Scrum) Delivery Methodology


    In Agile Scrum, you're not rigidly stuck to a single plan, much like an adaptable road trip. You can change your route or plan based on new information or changing circumstances, making it a flexible, efficient, and collaborative approach to software development. While the end goal of the solution is known, the journey taken to reach it can vary. Rather than laying out a detailed plan for the entire project, the plan is divided it into smaller, manageable parts, known as "sprints."
    At the start of each sprint, the team holds a meeting. They discuss what they should do during this sprint, what features they should focus on, what needs to be designed and developed, and what issues they expect to encounter. This is called "Sprint Planning."
    Then the team starts working, developing the software piece by piece. Each member has a role. The developers are like the drivers, steering the project, while the Scrum Master is like a guide, ensuring the team stays on track. The Product Owner is akin to the trip planner, deciding the priorities and what should be worked on next. To track progress, the team has a daily check-in called a "Daily Scrum" or "stand-up." They discuss what they've done, what they'll do next, and if there are any roadblocks.

    At the end of each sprint, the team has something usable and valuable - a working piece of software. They then hold a "Sprint Review" to demonstrate what they've achieved, including a working demonstration. Finally, there's the "Sprint Retrospective," a meeting where the team reflects on the sprint, discussing what went well and what didn't, with these insights used to improve the next sprint. Stage payments become due monthly based on successful completion of sprints. If the agreed features are not completed then payment is not required until the work is successfully completed.

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    Waterfall Delivery Methodology


    The Waterfall model in custom software development is much like constructing a building, a step-by-step process where each stage must be completed before moving onto the next. In the beginning, just as architects and clients discuss the features, rooms, and aesthetics of a future building, analysts gather all the requirements. They get a complete understanding of what the software needs to do, who it's for, and how it should perform.
    Once all the requirements are clear and approved, the design stage starts. This is like creating a detailed plan or sketch for the building, defining where each room will be, how big it will be, and what purposes it will serve. In software development, designers decide how the software will look and function, mapping out the user interface, while developers focus on the database, and system architecture.
    With the design in place, developers then move on to construct the software, similar to how workers construct the building based on the architect's plan. This is when the actual coding happens. Developers transform all the design elements into a functioning piece of software. Extensive testing follows to ensure everything is working as expected and designed.
    Next we deploy the solution to a production (or live) site. This may include a period of time to trial the solution for a small number of users or the site may simply be available to all users. If the optional services for on-going maintenance and cyber security monitoring have been selected then these services are activited.
    There are two payment milestones at successful completion of the design stage and then successful completion of the deploy stage. If the agreed features are not completed then payment is not required until the work is successfully completed.
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